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Sink or Swim

The Sink Or Swim Strategy


One of the best ways to learn a new language is to immerse yourself in it. In other words, the quickest way to learn French for example is to go to France and start to use it and figure it out. When you have to speak it to get your food, figure out where you need to go and the likes, you learn much faster than from books.

The same holds true in other areas of our lives. When we jump in and it’s sink or swim time, we learn fast. If you’ve had a baby, you know this is true. No matter how much you try to prepare and how many books you read, you’re not really ready for parenting when you bring home your new-born. You learn “on the job” and you learn fast.

Why not apply this same strategy to other areas of your life. Make it a habit to jump in and see if you can swim or if you sink.

taking risks

If you want to become a better speaker, just jump in…arrange to give a speech at your local Toastmasters Club, Rotary Club, Women’s Institute, etc.  Practice at home in front of your mirror.  Practice in front of family members.  Know your talk well before you give it.  You don’t want to stumble and make a bad impression or you won’t be invited back.

Check out these tips: http://attitudes4innovation.com/4-simple-steps-to-public-speaking-success/


To swimming well….

Fran Watson





P.S.  Make sure you are writing down everything you do to stretch your comfort zone.

P.P.S.   Don’t have your journal yet?  Click here: Confidence Outside Your Comfort Zone Journal

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