
Affirmations and Power Poses

Speaking Affirmations And Power Poses To Help Build Your Confidence Affirmations and power poses are a quick way to boost your confidence temporarily before an important event such as a job interview or a big meeting. You can build your confidence permanently using affirmations as well if you practice them regularly. Here’s how to use…

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It’s Over, Now What?

Thank you for following along with me for the “30 Days to a More Optimistic You” Positivity Challenge! With any luck, you’ve learned a few things about yourself that you didn’t know before. Hopefully, you’ve gained some insights into your relationships, and rejoiced for all that’s good and right and beautiful. Hopefully, you’re learning to…


Appreciating Different Cultures

“30 Days to a More Optimistic You” Positivity Challenge – Day 25. Appreciating Other Cultures On Day 24 of our 30 Days of Positivity Challenge, we explored the beauty of people who come from different backgrounds. Today, let’s take this concept a step further and delve into appreciation for other cultures. Groups and classifications are…

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What is Your Life’s Work?

“30 Days to a More Optimistic You” Positivity Challenge – Day 23. Happy About Your Life’s Work Do you know what your life’s work is? Some people know exactly what they were born to do. But others never find out. Your life’s work doesn’t have to be a tremendous series of high achieving accomplishments. In…