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Where Do I Find Speaking Gigs?

6 Ways to Find Speaking Gigs When Cassie wanted to start speaking, she was excited. She was looking forward to connecting with her audience but she wasn’t sure where to find those elusive first speaking gigs. A speaker friend recommended she start by doing some of these things… Ask Around “Personal and professional connections are…

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What Is Your Message?

Define the Message You’ll Share Daphne loved the idea of speaking. She wanted to grow her makeup and beauty business but she wasn’t sure how to get started with speaking. Her mentor told her to focus on first defining her message. Every speaker needs a keystone message. But building this message can be tricky. Where…

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Communication Is Today’s Most Important Life Skill

Possessing excellent communication skills can help take you far in both your career and your personal life. Many make the fatal mistake of thinking this skill is not important due to the advancement of technology, however, it’s even more important as we also need these skills to communicate electronically and learn.

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What is Your Life’s Work?

“30 Days to a More Optimistic You” Positivity Challenge – Day 23. Happy About Your Life’s Work Do you know what your life’s work is? Some people know exactly what they were born to do. But others never find out. Your life’s work doesn’t have to be a tremendous series of high achieving accomplishments. In…