Leadership Quotes

25 Leadership Maxims by: Brent Filson “We will never know how really good we are as leaders unless we are leading people to be better than they think they are.” “Poor performance is less harmful to a leader than mediocre performance disguised as good performance.” “Most leaders are striving to get the wrong results or…

Becoming Successful

This is a question that I have been considering over the past week as I began my studying with Mark Hendricks and the Ultimate Success Program. Mark’s goal is to help me (and everyone else) change my mindset from lack to prosperity.  He had us begin by listing all the ways we have been successful…

Q & A After A Presentation

Handling questions and answers A question-and-answer period following your proposal or pitch benefits both you and your audience. It provides you with feedback indicating to what extent your listeners accept and agree with your proposal. It also lets you reinforce your message by addressing areas that concern the audience. And it benefits your listeners by…

What Do You Fear?

What Do You Fear? For some, spiders; for many, ghosts; others would say heights, but there are those who would admit that public speaking is their greatest fear. It is actually normal. Come to think of it, there is nothing more frightening than having to stand up and speak in front of a group of…

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

Deadly Sin #7: Pride Andrew Dlugan, sixminutes.dlugan.com Pride is committed by a speaker who believes that public speaking is about them. It’s not.  It’s never about you.  It’s never about your impressive accolades in your introduction.  It’s never about your dazzling delivery where you channel Churchill.  It’s never about your sumptuous…

Deadly Sins of Public Speaking Revealed

from Andrew Dlugan sixminutes.dlugan.com Deadly Sin #1: Sloth Sloth, or laziness, is committed by speakers who fail to prepare. Speaking in public, whether formally or informally, is an essential activity that requires effort. Yet, the majority of people expend no effort to improve their effectiveness as a speaker. Tragically, they are content to drift from…