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Measuring Your Comfort Zone

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone Peter Drucker famously said “What gets measured, gets managed”. What if you could measure your comfort zone? Would this encourage more people to face their challenges and live more exciting lives? “You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of…

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Wordless Communication aka Body Language

There is a language that we all speak, but few are conscious of: the language of our bodies. When we are talking to others – either face-to-face, or from the front of the room, our posture, gestures, eye movements and general demeanor communicate far more than our words. If you are unconsciously giving out the…

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What is Your Life’s Work?

“30 Days to a More Optimistic You” Positivity Challenge – Day 23. Happy About Your Life’s Work Do you know what your life’s work is? Some people know exactly what they were born to do. But others never find out. Your life’s work doesn’t have to be a tremendous series of high achieving accomplishments. In…


Creative Ideas

Being Creative Do you ever come up with some creative ideas only to rethink them or have someone ask you “What makes you think you can do that?”  If so, you will probably enjoy this podcast by my friend Kelly McCausey.  https://lovepeoplemakemoney.com/podcast/what-makes-you-think-you-can-do-that/ Often people will try to shut you down when you tell them what you…


Do You Want To Become A Motivational Speaker?

How to Become a Motivational Speaker Are you an engaging speaker who has had many interesting, rewarding experiences?  Do you want to be a motivational speaker?  Are you looking to motivate yourself to motivate others and get paid for doing so?  Then perhaps you will find these tips helpful. To begin, you need to evaluate…